Thursday, November 25, 2021

Breakdown in DBS banking system

 Someone said.

DBS / POSB outage not one but two days in a row, surely cannot be just plain vanilla "technical / software issues".


  1. It is easy to be the 20s in the 70s than being 70s in the 20s?

  2. "Honey, I don't know what I would have done without the PAP."

  3. The world's happiest people and best country.

    One other major reason why Finland is such a happy place to live is the free, relaxed way of life. Compared to a lot of the Western world, Finland is more laid-back and more at peace with itself. Finnish culture is also very warm and focuses on co-operation, rather than competition. It is also clear that Finnish people feel secure and do not worry about the outside world in the same way as the people in many other nations. That gives them remarkable resilience to deal with life and not to let problems get them down.

    Low crime levels, high standard of living, and superb education system

    One critical measurement for happiness in the recent World Happiness Report was how safe people felt. Finland came out very well here due to its low crime levels. The net result of this low crime rate is a society where people feel safe, secure, and happier. Finland also radically overhauled its education system years ago, and that has also helped people feel more content.

    The school system is one of the fairest in Europe and produces some of the best results, leading to more opportunities for young people. Finland also has a universal health care system which is a significant factor in how happy its citizens feel. When all these factors are combined, it allows most Fins to have a high standard of living and to feel content in their daily lives.

    One other factor which makes Finland different from most western countries is equality, which translates into opportunities for everyone no matter what socio-economical background they are from. Finland has a very large middle class, and very little poverty. The rich in Finland have also traditionally been shy in showing of their wealth. The wealthiest people in Finland may drive an old Volvo or at most a bit more expensive Mercedes, but rarely a Lamborghini. Even the poorest people would get the best education and health care, and no one needs to be homeless. All these of course may not make people happy, but it sure makes them contemptuous and relaxed.
