Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Stock market forecast for December 2021

 Many people expected December to be a bad month. The catalysts were omicron (and the economic lockdown) and the high inflation rate in America.

The stock market was weak last week.

The stock investors are now relieved that omicron may be mild and the lockdown restrictions will be reversed.

The US stock market rebounded last night. Many of the growth stocks that I invested recovered 5% to 10%.

I expect December to be a good month, as was the case in past years.

There is still the concern over high inflation rates, but I guess that this will cause the stock market to fall early next year, and not in December.


  1. Talks about family businesses mostly refer to the “3-generation beliefs,” which says that most don’t survive beyond three generations.

    That perception might be further from the truth if PAP survives 4 Prime Ministers?


  2. Perhaps if wealthy nations have handled the housing challenges better, with a heart for the people planning, and a healthy supply of new homes that have kept housing costs from raging out of control, people would not be at the mercy of million-dollar leasehold homes?

  3. The most obvious option for the Millenials to use their disposable income is to invest

    if they do not want to buy cars or homes. The view of many Millenials around the world is

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    Millennial investors have the power to have viable lifestyle choices and investment

    decisions in ways that the previous generations could only have dreamed of.
