Thursday, December 09, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should citizens be allowed to carry guns for self protection?
2. Should a country use diplomatic boycott for Olympic games held in another country?
3. Is America qualified to hold the Summit for Democracy?

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  1. Different forces are at play in this world. International affairs or politics or economics or social policy or criminal justice or even history.

  2. Some do not have a smartphone?

    Some only speak dialect or mandarin?

    Some seniors felt like they were given primary 6 syllables when they are only in primary one.

    Things are not as simple or straightforward. You get your answer 15 minutes on the phone than bouncing email checking and waiting.

    The new method does not mean effective and effectiveness does not have to be new.

    Forum: Seniors need to embrace technology to lead independent lives.

  3. Wise sayings;

    There are three sides to every story, your side, the other person’s side and what actually happened.

    The more one has to lose, the more one lies.

    There are three sides to every human, the public side, the private side and the skeletal side.

    There’s an old saying that some conflicts are so difficult, they can only be healed with a story.
