Monday, January 31, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Who do you prefer - someone who failed before or who succeeded before
2. What is a good way to stop scammers from raiding bank accounts?

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  1. 50 crew members are allowed to shore when the ship is anchored.

    Before going back to ship, all need to do the test at Raffles City.

    11 were found to have Covid during testing.

    Not allowed to board, went for a holiday at government headquarters.

    James Buster the juggler replaced John Taylor the illusionist at the theatre show.

    Posted by anonymous. Fake news.

  2. Tested negative before setting foot on Singapore land?
    Tested positive before going back on Ovation?
    All in a matter of a day?

  3. She may have mental or dissociation issues, but she did smoke out crooked politicians. Crooked politicians cannot be effective without trust. Our country needs security, and to have that we need politicians to take the blame when it is due to them, and above all be honest to your team and the people. Good leadership is providing stability to your team, how they are doing, leading to being taken seriously by the people and those under you.

    Trying to avoid accountability should not be an option. Appropriate ethical is essential for the long-term greater good of the country and its people. This is not a game of cards.
