Monday, January 31, 2022

WOTC - Make the schools more equal

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 52% of the respondents said that we should transfer good teachers to the neighborhood schools to make the schools more equal.

1 comment:

  1. Placing special values on lives and not pussyfooting those who are inclined that they are owed a living when it is never enough in their terms. Allow the people to take responsibility for the kind of only they can their own servant.

    The core duty of the government is cheap, quality, spacious housing for all masses. Humans need to be able to close the door when they stepped into their homes and feel they have left the wary world in their own space. Homes are not a luxury, but a means of survival.

    Medical care should and would not be a means as a business entity. It is a place to save lives and costs must be kept low whether subsidies or not.

    Schools must be kept affordable and all schools have to be good schools. Education prepares and empowers individuals for an active and productive life other than literacy.

    Food prices must remain cheap Living things need to eat.

    Water and Electricity should be kept at a minimal price. One of the essentials for survival

    Lastly, public transport should be free.

    For those spoiled people who think they are entitled to excesses, luxuries opulence, or they think they need to live above others, it is their choice to pay no matter how high their costs. It is not the governments' duty to make it affordable.

    It is the governments' duty to keep life's necessities cheap, it is also up to the people to decide and be responsible for their own decisions in the way they chose to live. While the government makes almost all decisions and policies regarding the country or have their faults, the people are not fault-free. Everything blames the government.
