Saturday, February 12, 2022

Fake accounts in social media

 Here is my view about the use of fake accounts in social media.


  1. Currently, we already see two types of fake accounts standing by WP. 1) The ones from their own family circles, themselves or those who no matter what are outsiders to destroy Singapore. 2) The ones who were taken to court by the PAP?

  2. The old adage " It's not what you know, it's who you know" is true.

  3. He knew the lie for 3 months and the police were framed. If he could get away he would still hide from knowing the lie. If his member had lied saying that she had not been to the toilet for 3 days, the lie would be different as it only involved herself. How to take this type of politician seriously whatever he does or say? Phui. Hypocrite.

  4. COE will be non-existent if public transport is cheap, reliable and convenient. There will be lazy people who will still Q to buy cars, but the average working people might not.

    COOLING MEASURES & ABSD. These would be non-existent if the supply overtakes demands.

    BUDGETS NEEDED. There are low-income earners, high costs of living and business difficulties.

    Prime Minister has got a non-blood-related genuine brother TEO, who has no fake accounts or is money-hungry to attack him on social media.
