Saturday, February 12, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Do we need opposition parties in Singapore?
2. China has a better system of democracy.

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  1. Now got opposition ( whether respected or not) already bedek bedek blank cheques.

    No opposition what cham siong checks?

    Mr Material happy like bird can be LO.

  2. RKhan testimonies were publicised for the world to hear and listen to.
    If and when his reputation and image is defamed, you sue, just like LHL did.
    As of now, no sue for defamation. RKhan is telling the truth this time around.
    Reputation is paramount when you are dealing with lives, policies and country.

  3. Daniel Goh quiet???

  4. He is hinting that if Aljunied has to vacate 2 seats, replenishing is ready.

    Other oppositions stay out of the constituency.

  5. He knew the lie for 3 months and the police were framed. If he could get away he would still hide from knowing the lie. If his member had lied saying that she had not been to the toilet for 3 days, the lie would be different as it only involved herself. How to take this type of politician seriously whatever he does or say? Phui. Hypocrite.

  6. Faisal Manap to COP: "I'm not going to answer the question."

  7. Silent majority still support Sylvia Lim. What she was supposed to act or did not act seemed to be out of her character.

  8. Outwardly the CEC members *seemed* to be throwing more straws for the LO to grasp. After all what choice do they have? Not many?

    Inwardly those with emotional and upright intelligence surely would think and feel, " If he could use everything and anyone to cover his inadequacy, would I be next?"

    It could be business as usual, unless those around him are brain dead, you better start watching your back?

  9. If I were in their position now, I would also test the waters and have confirmation that my phone was not hacked??? Too much at stake??? What next??? Now they can talk in peace about their strategies???

  10. Hopefully, we can put this unfortunate incident to bed as soon as possible when the final truth be established in the court of law.

  11. These are public "servants" paid by taxpayers money. It is only right that people should know the truth. They have an obligation to tell the truth.

  12. Whatsapp messages cannot lie. Scribbled notes can be done where and when or invented?

  13. Outwardly the CEC members *seemed* to be throwing more straws for the LO to grasp. After all what choice do they have? Not many?

    Inwardly those with emotional and upright intelligence surely would think and feel, " If he could use everything and anyone to cover his inadequacy, would I be next?"

    It could be business as usual unless those around him are brain dead, you better start watching your back?
