Thursday, March 31, 2022

WOTC - Price control over essential products.

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 88% of the respondents said that a government agency should be tasked to ensure that prices are reasonable, allowing for the cost, rental and margin.


  1. World Population

    Earth's Population Statistics in Perspective

    The population of Earth is around 7.8 Billion.
    For most people, it is a large figure. However, if you condensed 7.8 billion into 100 persons and then into various percentage statistics, the resulting analysis is relatively much easier to comprehend.

    Out of 100

    60 are in Asia

    15 are in Africa

    11 are in Europe

    9 are in South America

    5 are in North America

    51 live in cities
    49 live in the countryside

    75 have mobile phones
    25 do not.

    30 have internet access
    70 do not have the availability to go online

    7 received university education
    93 did not attend college.

    83 can read
    17 are illiterate.

    33 are Christians
    22 are Muslims
    14 are Hindus
    7 are Buddhists
    12 are other religions
    12 have no religious beliefs.

    26 live less than 14 years
    66 died between 15 - 64 years of age
    8 are over 65 years old.

    If you have your own home,
    Eat full meals & drink clean water,
    Have a mobile phone,
    Can surf the internet, and
    have gone to college,
    You are in the minuscule privileged lot.
    (in the less than 7% category)

    Amongst 100 persons in the world, only 8 live or exceed the age of 65.

    If you are over 65 years old, be content & grateful. Cherish life, grasp the moment.

    If you did not leave this world before the age of 64 like the 92 persons who have gone before you, you are already the blessed amongst mankind.

  2. Last time people were a little hesitant to travel to Johore as it is famous for robberies.

    Now Singapore frequently is in the news for fights, weapons attacks, traffic tragedies or being threatened with shooting by the police. My mindset is if I don't go to Johore, I am still not safe here, so I take the chance to go. All these are not exaggerations. Half of my friends have left for Malaysia. Money export. Once GST increases more, Malaysia will earn most of Singapore's money.


  3. *Question*
    What is the *king of fruits?*

    *Answer*: Durian!

    *WRONG.* Haha...😅🍃🍂

    What you may not know is that the humble, tropical *PAPAYA*, available throughout the year, turns out to be the *king of fruits!*.

    Btw, the tomato that makes the doctor's face green, compared with papaya, is nothing!

    *Papaya* has been selected by the WHO (World Health Organisation) for the second consecutive year as the fruit with the highest nutritional values, the *king of fruits!*.

    Why? Here r the facts abt the papaya!!

    The nutritional values of papaya r as follows:

    1. *Calcium* is twice as much as apples.

    2. *Vitamin C* is 13 times that of apples, 7 times that of bananas, 7 times that of watermelons, 8 times that of cherries, and 1.3 times that of pineapples.

    3. *Vitamin A* is 10 times that of kiwi fruits, 18 times that of apples, 1.5 times that of bananas, 1.5 times that of watermelons, 15 times that of cherries and 16 times that of pineapples.

    4. *Vitamin K* is 5 times that of bananas, 2.5 times that of watermelons, and 4 times that of pineapples.

    5. *Carotenoids* related to eye protection, including lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, are 2000 times more than kiwi fruits, apples, cherries and pineapples. Bananas, and guavas have no such ingredients.

    The above source is from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2016.

    Wow! If what is written is true, then surely, the unassuming, papaya is indeed the *’king of fruits!.*

    Amazing! 👍👏😊🍃🍂
