Wednesday, March 30, 2022

WOTC - Should PM Lee continue for another 5 years?

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 82% of the respondents said that PM Lee should step down as soon as possible. He should not continue to hold this office for another 5 years.


  1. The truth is when our mothers held us, rocked us, stroked our heads, we never get enough.
    None of us could never get enough of that.
    We yearn for unconditional love , unconditional attention.
    Its funny, we want independence yet spoon-feeding.
    In between we want the best of both worlds.

  2. Our former PM Lee Kuan Yew said:

    “In Singapore before you land, the hostess or the steward will announce that there are very heavy penalties if you are found with more than a stated number of grams of certain prohibited drugs. And if you still come in with a few kilos of them, which will destroy hundreds, thousands of families, one death is too kind. Because you are killing that family every day for years and years and years that a daughter or a son is an addict.”

  3. The doctor told me my lungs were very clean. Did not breathe in air pollution, dust and fumes for 2 years.
    I very happy.

  4. If PAP is serious enough to win Aljunied, maybe they should field Wendy Cheng( Xue Xue) discarding her hairstyle, super fake eyelashes and changing her clothes more decently. All parents cringe at such role models in terms of looks.

  5. Familiar Chinese saying: Wealth does not pass three generations. How do you support a government that spent time on how to raise money and raising a population and country where everything and anything is shaped by money and grades?

  6. We can track down the last general election, where our highness did not melt and was still able to stand tall when election results were announced dropping from 69% to 61%. Even though the country was in the middle of a life and death pandemic and 100 billion was disbursed. After midnight, he was giving elegantly speeches and still able to do what he did. Cannot detect what will happen in 5 years' time, but as for now he is a fighter and he does not give up easily. He fought his siblings who cheated the will by inserting a clause in the last will (demolishing his father's existence for money) which was not in the last 6 wills done by another lawyer while his father's brain was still active. Whether he steps down after 5 years is up to the vast majority to decide or he decides his role as a service to the country? Amen.
    It is what it is, no one can please 100% of the self-centred and not country-centred people.

  7. GE2020 official results: PAP team led by Lawrence Wong beats SDP in Marsiling-Yew Tee with 63.18% of votes ONLY!!!
