Saturday, July 16, 2022

WOTC - Taxes in Singapore

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 85 % - The total tax paid by the ordinary people in Singapore is actually quite high, if we add income tax, GST, and other indirect taxes.


  1. In today's society without computers or mobile apps, one cannot go to the toilet.

    GST for my family's SP, Internet/TVs and Mobile services averages about $60 a month. This is the calculation on 7%.

  2. Other than COE and the 2 yrs NS plus 10 yrs reservist, the other total taxes is still lower than most developed countries.

    (Some will say the NS tax already beat all other countries hands down, which I can agree with)

    I suspect the unhappiness is due to prices of goods & services here being already high in the first place.

    E.g. For the commentator above, GST of $60 means a principal cost of $857.

    $857 is considered expensive for utilities, internet TV, and mobile phones.

    I'd rather that I can get similar services for $400 than worry about the 7% or 9%.

  3. Depends on whether one is talking about a family of 2 or a family of 5. Perhaps a couple working from home bumps up SP bills?

    1. My family of 4 incurs roughly $400 per month for utilities, fibre internet, and 4 mobile plans. $850 is too much, it's like on-ing aircon for 5-rm flat 24/7 basis. If they want creature comforts like that, then no matter which country you stay will also incur high costs.

      Another politically incorrect answer is that salaries for 25-40 yr old have gone up tremendously in the last few years, with spillover effects into property & cars & restaurants etc. This becomes bad for oldies & retirees as their salaries stagnate or no more salary. It's like Singapore in the 1980s & 1990s.

  4. Believe me that when you are dying, you will see we are no different .

    We all have the same beginning-birth and we all have the same end-death.

    At the beginning of life, when we are infants, we need others to survive.

    And at the end of life, you need others to survive, right?

  5. Bought a rabbit cage from the market costs $79.

    Saw the same model and size at Centrepoint basement pet shop for $259.

    Can imagine the markup of prices all due to rental?

