Friday, July 15, 2022

WOTC - Reduce wasteful spending

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 93% of the respondents said that the government should reduce wasteful spending instead of increasing GST.


  1. Government bureaucrats used our money to buy votes. Own authorisation with no watchdog.

    More important, bureaucrats spend money on what they want, not what we want—which is the whole point of not carefully taking care of our money.

    He said the opposition proposed spending money on this and that. He questioned where all this money was coming from? Now look who is talking!

    We never knew we had it good till it's gone-our beloved LKY.

  2. Next election BEST LOSER's seat would be dropped??? Francis Yuen or Tan Cheng Bock might be a good idea to take over LMW (NCMP). We cannot afford to have to lose precious seats. Sometimes one needs to be cruel to be kind.

  3. Better Managing of Public Funds.

    To ensure success in war, money or good soldiers?

  4. Steve Jobs would have been a better president than Donald Trump.
    But it's a silly comparison really, it's like comparing apples to oranges.

    What’s the difference between a calculator and a flaky friend?
    You can count on a calculator.

    Q: Why was the dead man not living well? A: Because he was dead broke.

    They have most satisfaction in themselves, and consequently the sweetest relish of their creature comforts. — Matthew Henry.


    A rich treasury makes possible policies designed to protect and keeps the republic healthy?

    A man who both spends and saves money is the happiest man because he has both enjoyments.

  5. What a widow in her 70s was put through by a robotic and unsympathetic system?

    My father died a few months back. I tried helping my mother in transferring the helper to her

    name, but I was unable to do so on the website. I took a day off from work to visit MOM at

    Havelock Road with my mother, but was redirected to Bendemeer Road.

    After 7 days, she received a reply at midnight that her application was unsuccessful, with

    a tick in a box that she did not accompany her bank account during her application. Huh

    did we know? She was asked to appeal. She slept with her phone beside her. At midnight

    she got woken up by a buzz on her phone ( she hasn't been sleeping well on the bed, which

    had been empty since my father passed away). Half asleep she called me up at midnight that

    her application was rejected and she forwarded me the mail from MOM, asking for help to

    write an appeal. She is now living alone with the helper. The agent fees for doing

    the transfer was going to be $850 excluding GST. After going back to my parent's place

    and read what all the rejection was, I sent her bank accounts with the appeal.

    All they could have done was ask if she would send her bank accounts without sending her

    all the bullshit about rejection and appeal. This elderly lady had just cremated her

    husband of 47 years.

  6. A Northern Territory Aboriginal man picks up a hooker off the streets of Alice Springs. 'How much you charge for an hour, sister?' he asks. '$100,' she replies.

    He says 'You do Black Fella style?' 'No' she says. '

    I pay you $200 do it Black Fella style'.

    'No', she says, not knowing what Black Fella style is.

    'I pay you $300'

    'No', she says.

    'I pay you $400'

    'No', she says.

    So finally he says, 'OK, I pay you $1,000 to do it Black Fella style..'

    She thinks, 'Well, I've been in the game for over 10 years now. I've had every kind of request from weirdos from every part of the world. How bad could Black Fella Style be?' So she agrees and has sex with him. They do it in every kind of way and in every possible position. Finally, after several hours, they finish.

    Exhausted, the hooker turns to him and says, 'Hey, I was expecting something perverted and disgusting. But that was good. So what exactly is ' Black Fella style'?'

    The Black Fella replies 'You send bill to Government'.
