Sunday, August 14, 2022

TKL's alternative to the COE system

 I accept that the price to get a car permit will increase according to demand. If the price is not increased, there will be a big demand for cars.

I dislike the COE system to determine the price because it introduces speculation and manipulation. I prefer the price to be set by the authority, and be adjusted gradually.
Some people object to this system because the rich people can afford the high price, and the poor will be at a disadvantage. This is a sad fact of the capitalist society.
Everyone likes to have a big, nice house, but they cannot afford to pay the high price. They have to accept a 3 room flat in the new town. This will also apply to car ownership.
If we do not set a high price for the car permit (or COE), we will have more cars on the road and congested roads. It happened in most cities around the world.


  1. Pappies know how disunited & back-stabbing sinkies are to each other and so came up with this scheme to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

    Control number of vehicles and at the same time earn big bucks from it! Smart or very smart you say lah?

    If sinkies are not so greedy, competitive, impatient, gian png (hokkien for being greedy for every bit of rice), we would not bid more than $1.

    Those who don't get just wait for the next round.

    As usual, PAPies know more about sinkies heads than we know about ourselves.

  2. Three most outstanding peeves on the roads-

    1) Weaving in and out of traffics.

    2) Will not give way.

    3) Cutting into lanes abruptly signal omission.

  3. We saw those blood donations that have contributed to the public good may decrease if donors
    are paid, because their generosity may be interpreted as greed.

    Paying your child to get good grades in school can, over the long run have a perverse effect,
    because children risk losing their intrinsic motivation to study and may become motivated solely by money.
