Monday, August 15, 2022

WOTC - China's response to Pelosi's visit to Taiwan

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 70% of the respondents said that China had responded appropriately to the visit by Pelosi to Taiwan.


  1. He fully understood that in the next GE if the votes succumb to 53%, he may need a plan B. The dilemma is that if he retires after the bad results, he will be wrong. If he stays, he will still be wrong. So what would be the treatment? Stay or leave? Leave or stay?
    If they are honest enough, the poor display of the flags is not a good indication..
    If he thinks that it is hard for him, it is even harder for the people!
    Very siong and very jialat.

  2. Some news media seemed to be actively encouraging elitism, being brand conscious and spending big bugs to look good. If the stars put out on social media what they were wearing and the posh places they are eating in during the week or how much their branded clothes cost, it is their right to since it is their money or insecurity or trying to outdo each other, it is their prerogative. As the world is such a F**Ked place and Covid the present these celebrities are bad role models for those who are suffering and in not so good place. What's more that it is shoved into people's faces about their rich lifestyle.
    As much as PAP ministers are overpaid, they live simply by the way they dress or carried themselves. Even Ho Ching dresses like a pauper or for comfort and she is representative of the people and their country.
