Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Will the Republicans win over control of Congress?
2. Will Joe Biden be re-elected as President in 2024?
3. Will Donald Trump be re-elected President in 2024?

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  1. Trump is polarizing.
    When he lost the last election I knew people who cried their eyes out.
    I also know of people who could not bear to hear his name, listen to his speeches or just feel he is yucky.

    As for Biden, he is not President material. He does not possess the fighting spirit and his image is wimpy. Even Kayu GCT has got better courage and determination expressed.

    Not everybody can rule a country, a country cannot rule everybody.

  2. "How's your dad?"

    "He was so clingy after my mum's passing that I matchmake another widow to him hoping that I can breathe again."

    "You must get all these good ideas from PAP?"

    "Now he does not cling as much, but I have another problem. Anything to do with technology, I have to help two instead of one."

  3. Some news media seemed to be actively encouraging elitism, being brand conscious and spending big bugs to look good. If the stars put out on social media what they were wearing and the posh places they are eating in during the week or how much their branded clothes cost, it is their right to since it is their money or insecurity or trying to outdo each other, it is their prerogative. As the world is such a F**Ked place and Covid the present these celebrities are bad role models for those who are suffering and in not so good place. What's more that it is shoved into people's faces about their rich lifestyle.
    As much as PAP ministers are overpaid, they live simply by the way they dress or carried themselves. Even Ho Ching dresses like a pauper or for comfort and she is representative of the people and their country.

  4. Dear Sir / Mdm,

    It seems STARHUB has issued me with a Bill for the amount of SGD???. ??

    I assume this is related to the cross-carriage of EPL to Singtel? I was not advised of any such charge.

    Notwithstanding this I have downloaded the My Starhub app to my HP, and set up an account as per the app quoted instructions, however after several attempts I am unable to make the mentioned payment.

    Could you kindly simplify the process and advise accordingly?

  5. Everything is temporary quotes
    Never try to make long-term decisions about things that are only fleeting.

    The easiest way to avoid being harmed is to never take anything in life seriously.

    Nothing is permanent; stop worrying since things will change no matter how bad things get.

    There are cycles in everything. Nothing lasts forever, so don’t become too attached.

    Don’t be afraid of change; it’ll lead you to a fresh start.

    Everything, including our lives, is transient.

    Everything will make perfect sense one day. For the time being, laugh at your perplexity, smile through your tears, stay strong, and remember that everything happens for a reason.

    Don’t be alarmed if you’re having difficulties; everything is temporary.

    In life, things will come and go; nothing is permanent.

    Nobody can hold on to anything indefinitely since everything is fleeting.
