Thursday, October 20, 2022

Boost the birth rate in Singapore

 This is my proposal to provide $1,100 a month to the mother for each child up to 6 yo. This is an incentive to boost the birth rate in Singapore.


  1. Incentives create a sense of entitlement and resentment amongst those who are not privileged by the incentives.

    Some just do not want to be tied down or do not possess the maternal/paternal instinct.

    To have children is a lifetime commitment. There are three criteria to be able to cater to a good upbringing 1) time, 2) money 3) space. Only Peter Lim can have all three. As for the rest of us maximum of two. Even LHL only have two criteria-space and money but not time?

    My daughter has stopped visiting us. She is fed up with us nagging her when I can have a grandchild. She is 30 and lives with her husband in a bedroom and a study apartment.

  2. Public money should be used for the common good. It should not decide which groups are prioritized. The playing field should be level and the sensitivity of disbursement should not be taken lightly more so now that that they increased the GST citing money not enough.
