Thursday, October 20, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues


1. Do we need detailed checking at land checkpoints?
2. Is the governance of China better than "democratic countries"?

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  1. Most illegal substances passed through the checkpoints. Got scanning at airport and cruise centre for luguages and humans for arrivals and departures. Tuas and Woodlands got scanning for vehicles? This type of country lack consistencies.

  2. I had wrist surgery with plates and screws. Whenever I go through the scanning machines at the airport, the flashing light or beeping makes me very malu. I was literally made to "strip" naked in front of passengers.

    At Woodlands or Tuas no such thing.


    My family of 4 came back from a five-night cruise on RC yesterday morning.

    One suitcase showed a watch in a new box?

    We had to unpack in front of tourists and passengers.

    The pink Guess watch was bought onboard for my teenage daughter.

    Customs then ask for the receipt.

    There goes again topping upside-down bags and carriers for the receipt.

    After more than 25 minutes of topsy-turvy, they allowed us to leave saying that the USD121 was not GST taxable.

    This was our first time cruising.
