Sunday, October 16, 2022

Covid zero policy

 My friend explained that China adopts a practical approach to its covid zero policy and minimize the disruption to the economy.


  1. There are good and bad in every country. I have lived and worked in 4 countries in my life including Spore. Except for the language barrier and difficulty to become acquainted with the Japanese people I form my own opinion that Japan is near perfect. It is a very safe country and the politeness and non-confrontational people are very pleasant. Most of the facilities are very modern, effective and practical. Woah the bullet train is something they can brag about.

  2. Don't worry about buying the latest toys or gadgets for your children. Children don't need a

    lot of money spent on them. What they do need is priceless: your time, comfort, patience and



  3. An elderly friend of mine was sold a dubious Manulife life policy from DBS. The media got

    wind of it. She called MAS about the story but was told that due to privacy and

    confidentiality, they are not allowed to give details.

    She called Fridec and was told the same thing. She called DBS and they gave a mouthful about

    what a horrid, deplorable, and wicked old lady she was. When word got back to the elderly,

    she said she was not surprised how daring DBS had become!

    I heard from the elderly lady she did not ask the bank for the product. She said she thought that banks are only for loans and money deposits. She said she did not know such a product existed. She bought most of her insurance from a very old friend from prudential. I think DBS is not telling the truth to the reporter

    Why would she approach a bank and not an insurance company if she wanted insurance? Not many people knew that banks sell insurance.

    The article is not telling the whole truth.

    The policy stated Insured amount $426,000 on the cover.

    On the death benefit page in between the 36 pages it stated $60,000 death amount. The elderly lady cancelled the policy as she was afraid after paying 10 years costing $600,000 DBS turn round and pay her family $426,000 on her death as she was insured the amount in the policy.

    Besides they backdated her age to make her qualify.
