Sunday, October 16, 2022

WOTC - War in Ukraine

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 93% of the respondents said that Russia is not losing the way in Ukraine; it is making a tactical retreat to consolidate their forces and wait for reinforcement.

1 comment:

  1. China tops the list with a GDP of $24.27 trillion, measured in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) international dollars (a fictional currency that makes country-to-country comparisons easier). Industry and construction account for almost half of China's total GDP. The primary industries include mining and ore processing, textiles, machinery, automobiles, steel, aluminum, coal, and more. Another large economic sector is agriculture. China is the largest agricultural producer in the world. There are about 300 million Chinese farmers.

    India ranks as the second-richest country in Asia, with an economy heavily centered on service industries (55.6% of GDP), industrial business (26.3%), and agriculture (18.1% of GDP). It is a major producer of crops including rice, wheat, cotton, tea, sugarcane, and potatoes. Although many Indian people still struggle with poverty, the country's economy as a whole is one of the fastest growing in the world.

    The World's richest PM is Najib ex-Malaysian PM.

    Children are educated not to pry into other people's business because it is considered rude.

    World’s 10 Happiest Countries
    New Zealand

    So what makes Finland so happy? “Research shows that high national ranking on these surveys is not so much about culture. It’s more about how a country’s institutions take care of their people—this leads to higher ratings of life satisfaction,” says Aalto University expert Frank Martela,

    According to other experts at Helsinki-based Aalto University, other factors contributing to this small country’s success include smart urban planning, access to green spaces to reduce stress and promote physical activity, an effective system of progressive taxation and strong healthcare and education system.
