Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Pay to send out message

 If Twitter charges the sender 0.1 cent for each message sent to their fans, it will be a cheap way for politicians, entertainers and public figures to send their message to their followers. It also ensures that the messages are serious and genuine.


  1. Wondering why Musk bought all the birds.

    Tweet. Tweet. Tweet.

  2. Third parties have access to our personal information for being able to use their services for free. Facebook and apps and many other sites have made sharing data a requirement for using their services.

    The reason why there are still people without an app is for fear of privacy and security reasons. Some have warned that in the future data will be so valuable that those who control it would control us in ways we can barely imagine.

    Five of the most valued companies in the world-Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Google and Alibaba-are making trillions of dollars using and selling our data.
