Thursday, November 10, 2022

WOTC - Surge pricing

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 56% of the respondents said that surge pricing for ride hailing is a bad practice, because it encourages the drivers to take advantage of the system to push up the price of rides.

1 comment:

  1. As far as we know this is the only country in the world where they collect COES and the biggest landlord.
    Leading by example their motto was money, not enough need to increase GST.
    Now businesses have become so unscrupulous by increasing everything and cheating because money is never enough. People are being screwed all around.
    Legal cheating is even worse now that businesses are trying to make up for the losses during the Covid.
    So ya, we don't know who to trust anymore when big organizations like SIA and banks are in the cheating scheme and get away with it because no LKY to answer to.
