Saturday, February 11, 2023

Excellent customer service from Tiger Brokers

 1. I have given examples of poor customer service provided by many businesses in Singapore, including banks, telephone companies and others. 

I often find it difficult to access the customer service channels, and have to provide a lot of irrelevant data, before I could ask my question. They usually reply "within 4 days". Often, I do not get any reply.

2. I will now share an example of an excellent customer service provided by Tiger Brokers, which has an operation in Singapore. 

3. I have recently opened an account with Tiger Brokers. As a new customer, I needed to get assistance on several issues. Here is my experience.

a) I am able to access the Feedback tab and provide my questions. It is answered within one day.

b) I can access the Live Chat tab. It is answered immediately. I know the code of the agent that attends to me. 

The answers given by both channels are accurate. 

4. I commend Tiger Brokers for their excellent customer service. It was possible because they have an excellent platform to handle customer service. 

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Beautiful people do not have kindness.

    Kindness is beautiful.

  2. BTW All those snobs who are buying properties near Nanyang Primary or Methodist Girls having second thoughts?

    BTW Nanyang Primary should move to Geylang.

    BTW Methodist Primary should move to Chinatown.

    Enclaves should spread out.

  3. Received a renewal driving motor insurance policy from AIG. Over the course of this period, I was paying $1200(NCB) yearly. My new amount is now $1600. I am uncertain as to whether it is pure profiteering or becose of my age. I will be 66 this year.

  4. Everybody will have to die.

    But not everybody actually lives.

    They spent their whole lives chasing exams, success and wealth.

  5. Good service does not come from the establishment or corporation.

    It comes from the top person leading it.

    From the time WP changed chief, its reputation/service had been in taters.

    Bcause of 2 rotten apples spoil the whole basket.

    Why are they still clinging on??? Money or the country???

  6. 1) He covered up lies.

    2) Acted like he was above the law during 1st COP hearing. No respect for those around him and acted like a hooligan.

    3) Kept quiet while he knew about the lie and allow the police spent time and effort looking through Khan's falsehood.

    These are pretty serious character flaws for a chief.

  7. If the two stay the ruling party would love it bcause PAP might have a chance to win.
    If PAP have a choice they would not want to jeopardies their chances of those two being removed.
    Too bad they have to be seen as following the law. Damn if you do and damn if you don't.
