Friday, February 10, 2023

POEMS vs Tiger Brokers

 I find Tiger Brokers to be better than POEMS (from Phillips Securities)


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  2. Poem about always wanting more!

    When we were born with no possession.
    The love received was our concession.
    No worries, no fears, no troubles, no fuss.
    In mother's arms we put our trust.

    But as we grew, we looked and craved,
    and all too soon became enslaved.
    The more we saw, the more we wanted.
    Our quest for more became undaunted.

    Our thirst for more could not be quenched.
    The more we grasped, the tighter we clenched.
    We scampered and gathered and gathered to hoard.
    Possessions became our master and lord.

    And when we're old with our treasures all heaped,
    a sad example of what greed has reaped.
    Our fists still clenched in a grasping motion,
    till at our death, when our hands are opened.

  3. Money can buy class now?

    A few ACS Alumni private doctors help out financially by purchasing properties for their pregnant daughter/daughter-in-law near ACS in the choice of getting their grandchildren into a not lousy school.. All to brag to their social circles that their grandchildren are in a branded school.

  4. As an MP, they should know better than the public.

    Yet it was the public who had to come out to inform that she is a conflict of interest.

    Now we even have an 'anyhow' kind of MP. Long live PAP.

    My hope is that she would disappear in the next election.

  5. Everybody will have to die.

    But not everybody actually lives.

    They spent their whole lives chasing exams, success and wealth.
