Monday, April 24, 2023

Simba made it difficult to cancel a line

 1. I made a post in Facebook that Simba had a bad practice in making it difficult for a customer to cancel a mobile line. They do not provide the "Cancel Line" function in their app or in their website, and also did not allow me to stop the monthly payment from my Simba wallet.

2. I had to make a Google search and found a 2 page physical form that I had to complete and submit it by email or visit to their office. As I do not have a scanner, it was difficult for me to submit the form (which I had to print out on paper and complete it).

3. I posted my experience, and state that it is a bad business practice for Simba to give this kind of trouble to a customer who needs to cancel a line.

4. I received several comments from other customers who agreed that the business practice was bad, and they encountered the same problem.

5. I received the following comments that disagreed with my post:

a) One said that they found the Simba line to be good
b) Another said that the price of the Simba line is attractive.
c) Another said that it was not difficult to complete the process to cancel the line and showed how it could be done.
d) Another said that Simba allowed a customer to cancel the line by sending an email to state the phone number and he had done it.
e) Another said that Mr. Tan frequently complained. (This person was banned for making this rude statement and personal smear).

6. I found the comments under para 5 to be irrelevant to my post. While they may like the Simba line, they should also be aware that some customers, like me, do not need the line and wish to cancel it. It is a bad practice, and is unacceptable, for Simba to make it troublesome for the customer to go through the painful process. Simba could have provided a function in their app or website for the customer to make this request.

7. In a reply from Simba, they said that the balance in my Simba wallet will not be refunded. I consider it it to be confiscation of my money and will take Simba to court on this matter (even if they have stated this in their terms and conditions).

8. I have found the price of the Simba line to be quite attractive ($5 for a senior plan) and the service to be acceptable. That is beside the point. It is not acceptable for Simba to make it difficult for a customer to cancel a line. 

9. Some people commented that other mobile operators also made it difficult for their customers to cancel a line. That is also irrelevant. This bad business practice should be stopped. 

10. I intend to make a complaint with the relevant authority (which I presume is IMDA). They cannot allowed their licensed operators to impose unacceptable business practices. 

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Soon most companies will get away with murder. Even Singtel is giving us horrid experiences.

  2. Petit Jervois by SCGLOBAL is moving their sales by averaging $2500 psf from $3000 psf???

  3. HDB residents need to pay for season parking for their vehicles.

    Condo residents need to pay maintenance fees to get carparks.

    Landed residents chope for free parking right in front of the house.

    Like that got fair or not?

  4. It is open knowledge that the ABSD is meaningless to some numbers judging the number of properties they owned from LHY & LWL.

    It will lead to more decoupling which should not be our way of life.

    Investment properties will dwindle, leading to higher rents due to competition for less housing for rentals.

    Out of the frying pan into the fire!

  5. Reasons why crimes are climbing. Economic factors like poverty, lack of jobs, and inability to support one's family is one of the main reason.
