Wednesday, April 26, 2023

WOTC - Issues in Singapore

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 93% of respondents said that there are many issues in Singapore that remained hanging for a long time, and things are getting worse.


  1. 1) ABSD out of the blue. It could be something that needs to be done just as they may have the data as to why?

    2) Justify that they are doing something to the housing market cos they are in a mess when
    above one million 5roomers are becoming a norm.

    3) Desperate for filling up coffers to give more money to pple for votes in the coming GE cos it doesn't look like the percentage will be above 62%.

    So very tickling.

  2. The more money you give out, the more taxes are needed to recover the money. It is called simple economics. If you cannot convince them confuse them and drain their brain.

    Foreigners are buying properties all over glitter cities not only here. Don't make it like they are buying here because of good government. A good government is different in everybody's perception and depending on who is writing the article and their own definition of a good government.

  3. Old government- When Malaysia kept threatening to cut off our water, they vigorously went on to invent our own dependence on water.

    If this happens the present government-They would increase the price of water and rations the buying per person or household or even tell us to drink tap water.

    There is a difference between the old and new The old think clearly but the new solves everything with money and the easy way out. Half of the people have given up on them and if this continues they know they have an expensive price to pay!
