Sunday, April 30, 2023

WOTC - Role of opposition in a democracy

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 79% of the respondents, in response to Lawrence Wong's remark that the government welcomes the role of the opposition in a democracy, said that Lawrence Wong talks only, but behaves differently.


  1. If people were to choose between not having a 'smartphone" or "opportunist opposition" which will they choose?

  2. Why it is worth spending a little to buy new?

    My desktop gave way. There was a little flash of light and a poop sound and a blackout. As it was out of the warranty period there were several trips to and fro Sim Lim. Every collection they would show me that it works fine at their shop. After 5 trips with wasted money and time, I bit the bullet and purchased a new one and the latest model. On the hind side I should have done it from the very beginning. Sometimes when you try to save money you ended up losing even more.

  3. Is healthcare personnel abuse overly blown up? I have seen relatives and friends died or their life support pulled to their loved ones the healthcare nurses were only interested in the time to be put on the death certificates. At times there was only one relative around to deal with the grief. No private rooms where they can wail. No comforting arms were put around the bereaved. No grieving counsellors. All was told was to wait for the undertaker. Perhaps I am asking too much?

  4. Indeed, truly great leaders are those who do not have double standards and who practice what they preach.
    We are seeing in the present crop of leaders.
