Friday, May 26, 2023

Ministers rent black and white bungalows from the government

 Many people are indignant that two ministers used, or rather abused, their ministerial positions to rent two black and white bungalows from the government.

They criticized the ministers in social media.
I hold a different opinion. I think that it is all right for the ministers to rent a bungalow at the market rental (based on the guide rental) and even to have preference in its allocation (i.e. no need for competitive bidding).
It is better for our ministers to be living in suitable accommodation that befit their status and office. These bungalows would be quite suitable.
The rental that they have to pay is based on the market rental. and is not subsidized. It may not have the mark up that comes with competitive bidding, but I think that competitive bidding is not necessary and not appropriate.
Like many Singaporeans, I find that the salaries paid to ministers are excessive, but that is a separate issue.
Here, we are talking about offering suitable accommodation to ministers at a market rental, and giving them the preference to pick a bungalow of their choice.
I know that many people will not agree with my view, but I still want to express what I think is right and proper. It is just an insignificant view.


  1. We are no better than other countries between the HAVES & HAVES-NOT with regards to

    1. Money

    2. Power

    3. Position

    People trust the PM once he put his fingers into this spectacle.
    He did not allow his own blood brother to gain from 38 Oxley through lies and misinformation. In this comparison, does anyone think he would allow two not-so-valuable to tarnish the whole cabinet if he finds out any misconduct committed? Unless of course he is provided modified facts and figures?
    Last few days, I've learnt something new about the different grades of durians. Black Gold is of extortionate pricing. Though mouth-watering, affordability was not in my dictionary and so is the majority.

    When in private practice income varies. Even the weather has got rainy days. Ministerial pay is consistent and concrete.

    On the confidentiality and privacy level, their next step would be to investigate where the leaks originated from? This is wayang to show people that their privacy is secure as a safe country.

    So many of these kinds making headlines whether it is Workers'Party, DBS, MAS and now this.
    Putting them there to show that we are not a racist country or the only one with particular
    capabilities? Skarly now solid siah.

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