Saturday, May 27, 2023

WOTC - COI on Ridout bungalows

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 100% of respondents said that the President should call a COI on the rental of the Ridout bungalows to two ministers.


  1. In contrast to the past, so many things are out of control nowadays even when we are helmed by a PM whom 62% considered a cut above the uppermost.
    When the next fella succeeds, doom is yet to be. Problematic power and control. We only 6 members in our family and either one is not talking to another at least once a week. It is not going to be easy.

  2. There is nothing to suggest any wrongdoings. Free market.

    The one and only that could suggest was they went into Ministerial was to have a lavishly opulent lifestyle.

    The only person who can say that they took a pay cut to serve is PMLee. He could take the role of CEO of DBS Bank paying ..........? Less stress and enemies. Look how he has aged compared to Mahitir, TCB Anwar.......

  3. There was one minister who did an interview in a moving car, of all people a minister.

    Wat kind of example are they showing to the world? Roads are dangerous enough and so are lives? If they could tell the people that it is 👌 to do such a thing publicly, ever wonder what it is like privately? Shame on the interviewer and interviewee. If it was the oppos, traffic mata will come out saying this type of thing is wrong.

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