Saturday, July 29, 2023

TKL Portfolio as at 29 July 2023

 I reported the gain on my portfolio of $4.04 million daily.

Many people expressed interest in the stocks that I invest in. I wrote this article to cover my position as at 29 July 2023.

I hope that you find it useful.




  2. China’s $18 trillion economy is decelerating. Consumers are downbeat, exports are struggling, prices are falling and more than one in five young people are out of work.

    The real estate crisis drags on. With 3,000 pending property projects up and down the country, Country Garden Holdings is on the cusp of default. Meanwhile protestors have gathered at Zhongzhi Enterprise Group, one of the biggest shadow banks, demanding their money as payments are halted.

    Many of these woes can be traced back to President Xi Jinping’s determination to shift away from the debt-fueled growth model of his predecessors. And even as the real estate woes deepen, only limited measures have cushioned the blow. Forecasters such as JPMorgan Chase, Barclays and Morgan Stanley have all downgraded their projections for China’s economic growth this year to below the government’s 5% target.

    Foreign investors are pulling money out, with the central bank boosting efforts to stanch the yuan’s tumble toward the weakest level since 2007.
