Sunday, July 30, 2023

WOTC - Arrest for an undisclosed reason

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 88% of the respondents said that it is justified to place the minister under arrest for a reason that is not disclosed now, but will be disclosed later.


  1. If this is not fraud; what is? Useless police.

    $133k lost to second-hand car dealer

    I refer to the news report “Porsche owner lost $135k after car dealer vanished” (Aug 6).

    I was one of the several victims who lost money selling their cars to a second-hand car dealer.

    I got a post-dated cheque of $133,000 from the dealer for my car, which was not honoured, even though he issued a promissory note.

    The cheque bounced on five occasions when I tried to deposit it at the bank before learning that the car dealer’s account was eventually closed.

    [I made a police report but was told to make a claim with the Small Claims Tribunal or engage a lawyer to recover my money.]

    The police did not reveal whether any further investigations were carried out. I was left feeling frustrated and helpless.

    I discovered through social media that many people had also been cheated by this car dealer.

    I thank the writer of the report for helping to spread awareness and as a warning to potential victims.

  2. Singaporean banks were slow in detecting suspicious money from Malaysia which had handled money flows linked to Malaysian state fund 1MDB


  3. Pritam Singh: I'm Not Desperate For Power, Prime Minister.

    I'm Only Desperate For The Amount I Am Being Paid Every Month Which Works To Quite A Decent Sum.

  4. A retired English journalist uncovered 1MDB corruption and was able to trace it to Malaysian Official 1 all on her own device?
    Highly paid officials suggested that to trace dirty money in this high-tech country is like finding a needle in haystacks.
