Thursday, November 02, 2023

Loss from hacked bank accounts

 Should the bank or the customer be responsible for losses arising from hacked bank accounts? I give my views here.


  1. Lee Hsien Loong is the worst leader among the 3 Prime Ministers, reason why the country is so Farked Up, where there is a culture of deflecting.
    Fair to him, he is the best of the bunch we have today.

  2. Was sitting next to this person during the Grand Prix.
    Was fascinated by his remarks; [ People don't realize what it is to run a country.]

    My comment was; [It should be easier than to run a bank, SIA and other large organizations some of whose salaries are shrouded in secrecy and non-transparencies.]

    He repeated in disgust; [Do people even know what it takes to run a country?]

    Was afraid to ask if he was CECA. My reply; [ Do you even know that the person running this country is being paid $200 thousand a month, while the DBS CEO gets a million dollars a month, SIA CEO half a million?]

    The average wage in this country is how much? Contradictory, Forward Singapore is coming out that grades will not be important!

  3. No conflict of interest ???

    DBS leading man in truth is the same race as MAS leading man???

    By the same token, it was rumored that outside of work, they are buddies???

    What are your thoughts???

  4. The only merciful Indians in Singapore are the construction workers. A few times I have witnessed them dropping everything to help accident victims.
    Apart from these kind souls, most are there to enhance their inflated egos. Period.

  5. My current Prime Minister,
    If PAP is strategising when our SGP father died, votes climbed to 69+ per cent and by you stepping down before the election hoping for a Déjà vu results, it will not happen as long as
    1) youngsters have to wait 4 years to get a flat. 2)jumbo & executive flats no longer exist, and 3) investment properties are out of reach. We can understand policies against overstretching financially and preventing prices from skyrocketing but ABSD(?).

    Just for comfort, only 30% are happy today including your siblings(?). 70% of people are💔.

  6. When it comes to homes cannot underbuilt.
    Along the way, each and everyone needs a home.
