Monday, November 06, 2023

New Singapore Dream

 I suggest a new Singapore Dream to replace the 5Cs.


  1. Leaders' Speeches and Answers- When they go overboard with the superlatives and are overused.
    actual meanings are destroyed. Things begin to sound generic and people lose interest in hearing or reading whether it is in Parliament or the media.

    What distinguishes Quek Leng Beng (one of the few) whom I read from his interview with Sumiko from the beginning to the end was a regular person who is truthful and sincere and does not sound like corporate jargon. I even read it twice. As for others, I flip the pages.

    The other engaging (straight from on the ground horse's mouth) worth reading are the raw and authentic Forum Writers who are specific and accurate in their views of what is actually happening on the ground e.g. the DBS saga.

    Give trust so as to earn trust.

  2. PRs cannot buy HDB directly.
    To buy private SGD1.5M only can buy 700 sq ft of built-in space.
    Are some PRs pushing up the resale of million-dollar public spacious flats? Who knows?
