Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Cost of commuter train fares in major cities

 The cost of commuter train (MRT) per km is Singapore is similar to other major cities in Asia. It is less than half of the western countries.


  1. Sure or not? Got calculate road taxes and COES collection?

    Dun be like HDB. Nvr calculate the land prices went to somewhere and said they lose money?

  2. In a few years, driverless cars might appear on the roads. Accidents could be reduced and

    our roads might be much safer? Today the drivers are making decisions in seconds. In the future

    an algorithm could be installed in the car, programmed in advance to react to dangerous

    situations? In genaral we are still in the process of making decisions between life and

    death as a self-interest driver. The new in-car unit has too many distractions and society

    might be going down a slippery slope!
