Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Cost of constructing MRT lines

 The cost of constructing the MRT line in Singapore is several times higher than other Asian countries.


  1. I am not in business so this calculation might not be correct.

    A business imports a product for sale @ $1000. He pays 9% GST and the product now costs $1090?
    He sold it to shop owners and the shop owners paid another 9% GST on $1090 which now cost $1180?
    Customers went to the shop to buy the product @ $1180 + 9% GST?
    The product costing $1000 at the beginning and ended up costing $1270?
    They collected 9+9+9= 27% GST on one product?? Now we know why everything is so damn expensive?

    People thought they only paid 9% GST.

  2. We don't need doctors and lawyers to be ministers. The expensive price tag is morally, monetarily, socially and spiritually enormous. At least we cannot be the bad guys for them to throw it on our faces that they could earn more privately. I wish they could just stay in private practice Damn sia suay.

  3. GST is a Pyramid scheme.

  4. Electrolux from a business point of view made the right decision by moving to Thailand?

    If 150 employees with monthly CPF payments at $500 minimum per head it would now save them the cost of $75,000 a month which is a million dollars rough estimation annually. Low taxes?

  5. I am not in business so this calculation might not be correct.

    A business imports a product for sale @ $1000. He pays 9% GST and the product now costs $1090?
    He sold it to shop owners and the shop owners paid another 9% GST on $1090, now costing $1180?
    Customers went to the shop to buy the product @ $1180 + 9% GST?
    The product costing $1000 at the beginning and ended up costing $1270?
    They collected 9+9+9= 27% GST on one product?? Now we know why everything is so damn expensive?

    People thought they only paid 9% GST.

    No 1 pays 9% GST
    No 2 buys from no 1. He pays 9% plus another share of his 9% GST.
    No 3 buys from no.2. He pays no.1 plus no. 2s 9% plus 9% plus his share of another 9% GST

    9% plus 18% plus 27% = 54% GST on one object.

  6. GST is a Formula like Compounded Interest Charges.
