Thursday, February 08, 2024

Fear of retrenchment

 I send this suggestion to DPM Lawrence Wong on how to address the fear of retrenchment felt by workers in Singapore.


  1. There are other elements of fear in this country right under our noses.

    ☻Lunatic drivers on the roads.

    ☻The big-scale scams.

    ☻Overly-rated politicians.

    ☻Homes are overly-priced cabins.

    Conflict for limited resources and spaces.

  2. In the olden days, our parents saved their money in tins. They only buy what they can afford from the cash in the tin. There was always savings no matter how small.

    This very day, a great number of people spent future money, credit and big loans, thus fear of retrenchments.

  3. Who to retrench.?

    Indian: You can't retrench me as you'll be charged for being a racist.

    Pregnant women: You can't retrench me as I am pregnant. I will put your company on social media for not supporting pregnant women.

    Old man: You can't retrench me as you will be called out for age discrimination.

    Foreigner: You can't retrench me as I am cheap and good.

    In the end, the boss retrenched himself. He closed shop!

  4. Was it from LKY that once Pandora's Money Box is opened, it would be hard to close?
    Once upon a time, parents were uneducated, poor and some had about 8 children living on condense milk with no helper. They don't act like they were so hard done by. In fact the children turn out to be OK?

  5. In most developed countries, new technology has reduced the need for workers. And now with robots, more jobs will incur losses.


  7. A country beefing up "WIMPS" and "WIMPETTES" and "WEAKLINGS."

  8. Essential responsibility in public spending wisely and ensures that the government uses the money for the intent purpose, ensuring that the funds address the most pressing needs of their citizens.
    It is a no-no for those greedy and spoilt individuals. People are sick of the high GST to supplement those who just keep wanting for their own personal benefit and pleasure!

  9. Funds could easily be squandered through mismanagement.

    Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems!

  10. Found out recently that cleaners at hawker eating places were contracted out. They had on different uniforms. Was interested because some hawker places were clean while others were filthy.

  11. Will there be enough jobs if automation is allowed uninterrupted? In the public mind, there is

    widespread belief that the rise of brilliant machines will replace jobs. The unseen will

    always be unknown. A1 will require different skills requirement. To play a level playing

    field, the government are advised to invest more on early childhood education. Gaps between

    children from advantaged background tend to ability to persist throughout life. A proactive

    investments to high-quality early childhood education might br effective to bridge he gap

    later on.

  12. A wealthy couple has two sons. One lives well in London in a four-bedroom home not far from Chinatown in a good-class area with three kiddies. The kids do not need 24-hour surveillance, as the home and garden have the space and land to design a childproof environment. One of the lucky few.

    Son in Singapore: "Dad when are you helping me buy a home to get married?"

    Father: "Sorry son, I cannot help you as your matrimonial home will be considered divisional assets. Plus, I am unable to include or use my name due to the high ABSD. You can still get married, and there is enough room for you and your future spouse to live in our house. Not ideal but in life we have to make sacrifices whether big or small."

  13. Some couples retrenched themselves. Non-conformist.
    Not having kids. Not buying property. No tied-up to 25 yr loan.
    Work life balance. Work 1 year. Sabbatical leave for 6 months living between Penang and Batam
    Future plan living in old folks home.

  14. Can make a law when a genuine retrenchment occurs, can defer loans payment up to maximum of 6 months with no top-up of interests???
