Friday, April 12, 2024

Improve job search

 We should improve the process of searching for jobs.


  1. Mismatched: The employer wants low pay for more work. Workers looking for high pay for less work.

  2. I interviewed a Filipino maid from an agency. I asked her what was the reason she wanted a change of employer.

    Answer: Her condition was she wanted off every Sunday including public holidays from 10am to 8pm. In addition the family must not have young children or elderly and only an expat household.

  3. Policies are driven by public expectations which are often reinforced by own interest groups at the expense of another group.

    These expectations are now so deeply embedded that policies are constraining predetermining outcomes to maintain a status quo.

  4. Now everywhere there is a trend cutting down on walk-ins.
    Telephone calls to agencies are either listening to auto instructions or all their operators are busy at the moment, your call is important to us please hold on and we will as soon as possible for half an hour.
    Emails are auto-generic replies. Frustration.

  5. Shake-Shake burger last time ppl q up like hell.
    Now except for weekends or peak hours only. Most time empty.
    Over priced themselves and soon looks like another one bites dust.

  6. Live for Money or
    Money for Live?
