Wednesday, April 10, 2024

My review of Nvidia

 I do not have any holding in Nvidia. The stock price had increased by more than 3 times over the past year. Is it a good stock to invest for the future?

I give my view here.


  1. Grandmother's tale.
    In the 60's, my grandfather worked from 9am to 6pm selling ice balls in a pushcart earning $6 a day, which works out to an average of $180 a month.

    Food for a family of 8 works out to less than $1 a day: 5cts for bean sprouts, 8cts for eggs, 25 cents for luncheon meat and 10cts for tofu.

    Schooling was 20cts per child: 10cts for bus fares to and fro and 10cts for recess, 5cts for drink and 5cts for mee siam. 6 children for 5 days cost $6 a week.

    The renting of the attap hut costs $12 a month.

    When they first got their 3 room HDB, they were able to pay cash for $6.500. They do not even know the meaning of banks or loans.

  2. In those days, the population was about 2 million. Roads were a two-way street. Children played marbles, hopscotch and catching spiders. All these entertainments were free. Public buses to schools were quite safe and not crowded. The most dangerous were gangsters.

  3. "Living in this country can be expensive, but unfortunately, the value of human lives is often cheap."

  4. Not all countries are eager to embrace 'progress', which comes with its own set of challenges. Traditional ways do hold their own charm, value and simplicity.
    We have to understand that there are prices to pay for non-stop 'progress.'
