Sunday, August 18, 2024

GST should be totally scrapped

 GST should be totally scrapped, as it is unnecessary and imposes a heavy burden on the people and a heavy administrative cost for businesses.


  1. The way handouts are given freely coz it is not their money, we should pray that GST will not increased further not the other way around. Comments like everyone is paying GST, why should this group get prioritization over others. They do not realise it has caused a lot of unhappiness on the ground. Once you start, there is no turning back. They are turning the people into wimps.

  2. As companies have businesses to run, they may employ only those past childbearing age(45yrs to 70yrs) to avoid severe disruptions in their operations? Every action has consequences? By the way thanks for the generous maternity leave.

  3. Today it is common on the roads -Grab or food delivery. What were all these people doing before these jobs were invented?

  4. To win elections, politicians promise welfare spending without fully understanding the costs, burdening future taxpayers with debt?

    1. Lack of money is the root cause of crime, poverty, ill-health, depression, stress, and anxiety.

      The love of money is the root cause of all evil.
