Sunday, September 24, 2006

I urge you to retire


Tan Kin Lian,

"I am very sad at the inconsiderate behaviour of the Straits Times. They are willing to advance their own agenda, without regard to the harmful impact on other people." This is your comments about the ST having ignored your request to publish your departure from income, you are not happy about it.

I think you deserve it because as the CEO of Income, your stubborn behaviours also created many dissatisfactions among your subordinates, colleages, agents and business associates as reported in the ST times, therefore ended up that you have to leave Income, you said you planned to work till age of 70, however, I urge you to go retire, don't think that any one likes to work with you. Less people will suffer. "


HotGlazier said...

This comment is probably from someone who cannot take challenges on who does not have his or own opinion. You rely so much on news reported by Straits Times.

If you are policy holder, then, I think you have never encountered Mr Tan directly to see his human nature.

If you are an employee, then I must say that you no guts to stand up for yourself.

If you are a business associate or a competitor, then, you are plain jealous.

Take a long walk, breath hard, and rest in peace.

Thomas Phua's Blog said...

For whatever reason HONG XIANSHENG you may have on Mr Tan, or whatever axe you have to grind with Mr Tan, Mr Tan has done much for policyholders?

Which insurer will pay a dying man to fulfill his dying wish? I dare say no insurer.

I had a former colleague dying from Liver Cancer with a group insurance policy and I email Mr Tan that this man is dying and his wish is to see that the insurance is paid, within a week, the claim was paid out but unfortunately on that day that cheque is issued, this policyholder died.

My wife's teacher colleague has a similar policy and was dragging himself to work to die in service to claim such same group insurance, and I brought it to his attention with the same wish of this dying man, and it was paid within a week, but unfortunately this man died within two weeks of getting the cheque.

Will any insurer do such kind acts to fulfil the dying wish of policyholder even if it did not fall within condition of policy to pay before claimnant dies?

This is what Mr Tan will do for policyholders.

When we want to whack on Mr Tan just because he is stepping down, do appreciate his compassion to many policyholders.

There are even more such claim stories that is beyond norm that Mr Tan takes a decision on which the public will not know.

If there is nothing good to talk about Mr Tan, at least be more gracious to his retiring.

Yes, there are many who do not like Mr Tan in the industry, but he is retiring and he surely has done alot of good to policyholders untold.

I hope we will have grace to wish him well.

Thomas Phua's Blog said...

For whatever reason HONG XIANSHENG you may have on Mr Tan, or whatever axe you have to grind with Mr Tan, Mr Tan has done much for policyholders?

Which insurer will pay a dying man to fulfill his dying wish? I dare say no insurer.

I had a former colleague dying from Liver Cancer with a group insurance policy and I email Mr Tan that this man is dying and his wish is to see that the insurance is paid, within a week, the claim was paid out but unfortunately on that day that cheque is issued, this policyholder died.

My wife's teacher colleague has a similar policy and was dragging himself to work to die in service to claim such same group insurance, and I brought it to his attention with the same wish of this dying man, and it was paid within a week, but unfortunately this man died within two weeks of getting the cheque.

Will any insurer do such kind acts to fulfil the dying wish of policyholder even if it did not fall within condition of policy to pay before claimnant dies?

This is what Mr Tan will do for policyholders.

When we want to whack on Mr Tan just because he is stepping down, do appreciate his compassion to many policyholders.

There are even more such claim stories that is beyond norm that Mr Tan takes a decision on which the public will not know.

If there is nothing good to talk about Mr Tan, at least be more gracious to his retiring.

Yes, there are many who do not like Mr Tan in the industry, but he is retiring and he surely has done alot of good to policyholders untold.

I hope we will have grace to wish him well.

Thomas Phua's Blog said...

MC, please do not withhold taking insurance altogether.

I am sure there are other insurers you can look to.

but Ntuc Income, as a co-operative will still remain to her value to serve the people.

A co-operative is not profit driven.

For your sake, Mr Tan has written again that we should continue to support Income.

All CEO of company will leave one day or another, but I am sure Mr Tan has left it in good shape for his successor to easily carry on.

Anonymous said...

What a unfair comment from HONG XIANSHENG.

Oh well, this kind of people needs to be ignored!

Anonymous said...

This HONG XIANSHENG need to be ignored!

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