Friday, September 18, 2009

Bizarre behavior of Singaporeans

Do you agree with this article about Singaporeans?


Anonymous said...

Yes, I do agree , 100%, with the observation.
Singaporeans want everything big big , branded, expensive. They want designer home they hardly live in.They want designer kitchen they NEVER cook with. They have designer bar counter stocked with exepensive wines and liquor.
Why? They want to show off. The only furnishing that is used is the bar counter to entertain their guests. Only cheap wine from the supermarket is used for this purpose , the expensive ones are for display and for talking points.From thence a tour is conducted with live commentaries..
The one thing, I still don't understand, is moving from large flat to a small one is considered upgrading.From a 170sq M to a 110sqM condo is upgrading. Is it upgrading in the percieved value or to a fenced up place. It is bizare.
Cars?? I have known of man who owns a 7 series BMW. His car is always stationery or parked at home. When he wants to make it move he will ask few dollars from his sister, a poor woman,to pump petrol enough to move around the neigbourhood.
As one minister put it, in future cars are meant to be parked at home and be part of the home decor especially in landed property. On Sundays these owners will wash and shine their cars and share tips. In HDB estates, some can't afford water that some steal from HDB the water to wash their cars.
The minister also proposed a car shinning contest for the shinniest car.
It is bizare.
When overseas on holidays, the hotels who know that their guests are from Singapore they will always conduct a check on their fitting and things to ensure that they don't end up in the luggages of their guests.If only the beds can be packed into the luggage, it too will vanish.
it is bizarre.
This is not the end and if one were to write a book it will take many volumes to exhaustively cover all areas and aspects of the Singaporeans.
There is a book on the ugly Singaporean.

A Bizarre Singaporean too.

Anonymous said...

We are influenced by the Govt - Materialistic,
kiasu, keeping up with the Joneses, showing off, greedy, hiding the ugly from the society at large both in and outside the country, striving to be No. 1 to show the world, and in the process do not live to enjoy our hard work by dropping dead from heart failure or cancer.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha.............................

A man bought a villa, demolish it, re-build it, employ two maids for upstair and downstair to enjoy the luxury!

When his father fall sick, stay in C class, patient caught superbug and died! Then spent 10k for Chinese traditional rictual to transfer merit!!! When his mother fall sick, go C class!

A small % of SG are material rich and not spiritual rich.

They are also not super rich like Mr Buffet who does not carry a credit card, drive obsolete car & stay in old house.

Unknown said...

Totally spot on.

Anonymous said...

"..from large flat to a small one is considered upgrading.From a 170sq M to a 110sqM condo is upgrading"

ha ha ha....upgrade to 2m x 1m in the end for each of us!

What is the meaning of life?

Anonymous said...

Not all Singaporeans are like that. But 50% is a safe percentage. I traveled to Florence and during the bus ride, most Singaporean ( girls ) were not interested in listening to the guide explaining the history behind the statue of David by Michael Angelo. They were drawing the curtains closed and requesting the guide to bring them to factory outlets to buy leather products.
To be fair, there were Taiwanese and Koreans too on the bus.
There is so much focus on material things.
Singaporeans generally are deficient in history and arts.I suspect the Government has contributed to this.Knock down all things old and rebuild, tear up roads and rebuild.

There are no old things standing in Singapore..
except for one.

Anonymous said...

I am ex-Buddhism Lecturer (Thailand) .
About 50% of SG Chinese are Buddhist.
Please allow me to comment:

Temple Management/monk have MISLED devotees to donate million of dollars to upgrade temple and liable a temple into bad debt. Each temple/sect competed with one another! It is happening in SG, Taiwan, PRC. Each monk wants its private property when there is many empty temples available for monk/nun.

The truth of Buddha's teaching are:
1. Simple life
2. Each temple must accomodate at least 4 monks (not one monk or no monk).
3. Monk/nun can not own private property
4. money can not buy spiritual richness.

We are yet to read the verdict of Ming Yi's corruption case on 7 Oct.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the observations. Hope we can be less materialistic and don't always compare with your friends and neighbours how much wealth one has. We must know the meaning of "life" is and and learn how to enjoy life as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think the rich work so hard just because they want to buy million dollars house?
Do you really think the rich buy assets oversea because they want to jump ship?
Do you really think the rich have a choice in their vote during eletion?
Think again...

Anonymous said...

Another possession singaporean will boast is their insurance policies.It is no surprise that many have insurance when you have aggressive fly by night insurance agents.
When it is a talking topic they will boast about how many they have and the amount of coverage they have.
One will talk of having 15 policies and when added up they all come to $150K and the rest are medical or PA or whatnot.Some will say they have $1million coverage but of the million , $300K for mortgage, 500K for PA, 100K for CI and 100K for death but still under insured.
In Chinese saying this is 'reporting false account', typical howlian.

Anonymous said...

This is so true and funny . Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Singaporean-buying things that they do not need and showing them to others who do not care.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Tan
I find it highly doubtful that that article is written by an average civilised German.
But the points mentioned are highly amusing for the fact that Singaporeans are some of the rarest race of people in this world that seems to take peculiar pride in such brutish criticizing of their own countrymen. Much more amusing is the pedestal they seem to place themselves upon while doing the critic. A full-length mirror is highly recommended for such instance.


Anonymous said...

The author of this article is a German.

Last year, I met a German in Thailand. He
is a law student. It was his first trip to Asia (Thailand). Thereafter, he fly to ANZ.

I told him about Singapore. To my supprised, he has no idea where Singapore is ! I want to cry.

I am the only Asian in the tourist coach. The rest of passenger are Russian. We arrive at a fishing village in South Thailand early morning, most young Russian alight and lying on dirty floor and reading a book under moonlight.
ENJOY NATURE while reading book.

During winter time in Europe, tourist would move to Pattaya or Phuket of Thailand to enjoy sunshine for one season (not days).

Thailand is never as clean as SG. His people like gambling but never want a Casino in Thailand. With its rich culture heritage and nature, they earn US$10 to 20 billion each year.

Anonymous said...

Have swimming pool in the house, but do not know how to swim.
penny wise , pound foolish- when conned by banks , but dare not join class action. When shopping in wet market, bargain with hawkers to the nearest cent.

hongjun said...

1. We Singaporeans are spending much time outside working for a living, paying off huge housing loans and savings for 2nd generation. For some, they have extra to spend on private car and seeing them depreciate as time passes. We have to accept all these in such a highly competitive inhabitation and still want to call Singapore our home.

2. Buying a car in Singapore is not difficult for we just need to sign on the dotted line to secure a loan. It is the usage of a car and driving it onto public roads that is killing many. Parking fees in shopping malls and ERP charges are the two main deterrences. I personally do not see a strong need in owning a personal car unless I have a family.

3. I am not shy to say Singaporeans including myself have the mentality of if we did not get something from the country, the trip would be a wasted one. That's what boost global economy isn't it? I prefer a trip to have a balance of sight-seeing and shopping.

4. This is just another obvious evidence that hectic and fast moving Singapore city is not their preferred place for retirement.

5. The Singapore government wants us to embrace foreign talents and we really have to since the population of foreigners now make up 33%.

6. The incumbent PAP will triumph unless the opposition parties can show their worth and get their policies/agendas conveyed without getting themselves implicated in court cases like SDP's Dr Chee Soon Juan.


Solomon said...

Singaporean bashing again and everyone eager to join in. Take it easy, you are OK and I am OK. Some people like it this way and the others like it the other ways. Varieties make a society ticks. So do not be so harsh to yourselves.

Anonymous said...

German wrote about SG.

Reader is advisable to learn more about German philosophy. You would know why the author wrote a sharp observation.

I come to know German when I finish my 'O' Level in 1974. Some of my classmate study in a German-sponsored Vocational Institute after 'O' level.
The VI was located at Upper Serangoon Road, oppoiste Serangoon JC.

Later, News reported ISA arrested NUS Student Leader who is Marxist.
I did not know what Marxism is.

In 2003, Marxism was my first lesson in a Peking University post-graduate program (Buddhism)!

On return Singapore, my classmate (a Tibet Official) give a copy of Maoism Manual to me.
I refuse it with thanks. YOU KNOW WHY?
Fear !

(I am not Marxist nor communist.)

Anonymous said...

Follow a Singaporean to:

1) Fly on SIA and order a special meal such as vegatarian diet and then change your mind on board so that instead of a choice of 2 main dish you will have 3!!

2) Avoid credit card annual fees by threatening to go to other credit card companies so that you get free renewal!

3) Assign your friend or relative to sit at food court tables so that you have a ready space after buying your meal

4)Board a train or bus and stand at the exit so that you can exit first and hurry to the escalator and stand still.

5)Join a tour to experience other countries but eat chinese food for the next 10 days... and then ask for refund because the chinese food was not authentic because chilli sauce was not provided.

Viva la Singapura!! one of a kind ( luckily its dwindling )

Anonymous said...

Surely there must be somethings that Singaporeans do that is recognised as good? and lets not include helping out in earthquakes etc.
Share the good points.

Anonymous said...

Another bizarre characteristic of Singaporeans is their willingness to queue from Pasir Ris to Jurong if there is something Free to be had.I wonder whether it is in the Guiness Book Of record

Anonymous said...

We live up to that TV commercial promoting S'pore as "Uniquely Singapore".
But then some of the traits described by the German can quite easily be found in many Asian countries. This is the behaviour of "newly rich" society.

Anonymous said...

SG Red Cross received S$80,000,000 of Tsunami Fund.

A SG volunteer in Sri Lanka build free cement house for victims.

She did an audit of the project.
Dead man has been allocated a house !
Who stay there?

Anonymous said...

German writes...German sing...

Unknown said...

Many 3-storey houses do not switch on lights at the top floor at night, as nobody goes there. So why a 3-storey house?

Anonymous said...

Current generation Singaporean are now well-traveled, and I believe most of us do not behaved like what the above mentioned.
We are already so small in numbers, why are we still criticizing our own.
I believe our next generation would improve if we all were to lead an good example ourselves instead of complaining here.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi kin lian,

this article was written by me, redbean, not a german. it was posted in and on 11 Aug 09.


Tan Kin Lian said...

Thanks, Redbean. I have removed the attribution to the German. Someone sent it to me with that attribution.

Tan Kin Lian said...

Hi Redbean
Please give me the link to your original article. Send to

Anonymous said...

I think what is most bizarre is when ministers and perm secs need to be paid millions in salary in order to be in public service, otherwise they will be corrupt.

Anonymous said...

One bizarre behaviour spotted during my dinner in a neighbuorhood foodcourt.

While eating my dinner in this crowded foodcourt located in the heart of HDB estate, I saw a woman pushing a full-load of groceries still in NTUC FairPrice trolley in the foodcourt premises. With the trolley, she nonchalantly joined the queue to order her take-away dinner. After collecting her food, she carefully put it the trolley and left the food court.

Thanks for the recent government's efforts in promoting barrier-free environment in Singapore, ramps are constructed everywhere in the island. She should have no problem pushing her load of groceries home.

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