Tuesday, October 27, 2009

When cancer disappears

Some cancers do not need to be treated. They can stop growing and disappear, according to this article.


Anonymous said...

Maybe this type of cases does happen.
But whoever I know have cancer, eventually died from it years later.


Anonymous said...

Lee Hsien Loong was first detected with cancer in 1993.

But he is still surviving and going strong.

nofearSingapore said...

The examples mentioned in the article are rare and are exceptions rather than the rule.
Whoever who has been diagnosed to have cancer should seek treatment from reputable hospitals/doctors.
Many cancers can be cured- but only if treated early and by evidence-based treatments.
Dr Huang

Anonymous said...

This is rare and far between, not too unsimilar to "healing" through religious method. Better to take chances with science, technology and facts.


An Insurance agent.

Anonymous said...

Yes I've personally come across a woman who had kidney cancer, and doctors here told her she had no hope of a cure. She prayed to God for help, went to London to search for a second opinion, and upon some scanning investigations found the cancer was gone. Divine help or mind over matter, I don't know,
but I think it's better to seek for a second or third opinion on diagnosis.

Anonymous said...

Rich people can seek better treatment and thus prolong their life.
Poor people just wait for THE time to come.

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