Friday, August 21, 2020

WOTC - Did PAP get a clear mandate?

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 77% of the respondents said that the PAP did not get a clear mandate from the voters in GE2020. Here are their reasons.


Anonymous said...

Considering their uninspiring performance and hostile policies, 61 percent was a good result?
In the next election, they might not be so lucky. The unpredictability of the main man coming or going is not helping the country or its people. Handing the country over when it is in order. Since when has the country been in order since LKY?

Anonymous said...

Logic dictates that the more portfolio they carry, the more distractions which has resulted in inefficiencies and unproductive. The one who loses are not them but the people. They can only ask themselves because nobody could.

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