Saturday, March 25, 2023

WOTC - Recent failures of banks

Wisdom of the Crowd: 69% of the respondents said that the recent failure of a few banks will cause a major problem as other banks in America and globally are likely to follow. 


Anonymous said...

In life nothing is guaranteed.

The only guarantee is that one day we will die.

Anonymous said...

Banks are one major requirement in human lives.
How many humans on this earth can actually pay cash for everything they do? Only very few people like the SGP and corrupt Malaysian ministers, corrupt China and India, corrupt Indos and Philippines so on and so forth...
Banks do not have to go to the people. The people would have to go to them.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese proverb says, “The first generation makes the money, the second spends it and the third sees none of the wealth.”

Anonymous said...

Was it the good school or individual persons made up personality and character? Interesting.

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