Sunday, June 16, 2024

Look beyond personal circumstances

 There are many people, especially among the better educated, who have accumulated some wealth over the past decades, and could comfortably afford the high cost of living today. I belong to this group.

However, I look beyond my personal circumstances and worry about the large numbers of people in our society, who have not accumulated sufficient savings and wealth, and cannot afford the high cost of living.
I also worry for the future generations who will not have the opportunities available to the earlier generation.
It is important that we elect a government that will address the root cause of the high cost of living, instead of giving small amounts of various vouchers that are inadequate and costly to administer.
Tan Kin Lian


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Western aid organizations are transitioning from providing charity like Uganda, to promoting self-reliance through sustainable programs.

Anonymous said...

Fixing things that are not broken and neglecting to fix when all is broken!

If don't know how to fix just change the rules and inconvenience a certain group or pay more money to them.

When salary is not high enough, can only attract mediocre egoistic talent and word and mouth service. Hope people do realize that dog poos are growing on walk-paths. No only do we have to keep eyes on where we are going but on the ground as well.

Anonymous said...

The general belief is that this small red dot is wealthy. Whether it truly was, only the infrastructure could confirm. Unlike Brunei, which relied on its rich oil reserves. In the olden days,π—₯π—˜π—¦π—’π—¨π—₯π—–π—˜π—™π—¨π—Ÿ and compassionate ministers thought of ways to generate income 𝗙𝗒π—₯ the people. However, in contrast to this, in more recent times, they seem to focus on ways to generate income 𝗙π—₯𝗒𝗠 the people.

Anonymous said...

Will have no regrets when they fall. After all, we have:

Abuse of Power (No Proof but its There?),
Deaths Prematurely,
People living in bad conditions,
Lousy Schools,
Fucking Populists,
Name anything and it is all there.

What will be the difference if all of them are not there anymore? Yes, the difference is we will feel for the new Senior Minister one of the few who genuinely feel for this country. Some of us are not ungrateful to him.

Anonymous said...

Do we have a choice not to accept what was pushed to us?
A couple went to KFC and bought 2 pairs of meals for the price of 1.
They requested no breast pieces.
Was told by the staff not allowed to choose promotional meals.
Nobody ate the 2 breast pieces.

Even instructions are only sometimes accurate in a balancing act?
A lady bought a 4ft plant for the house.
Although she watered it religiously, the leaves started turning yellow.
In an attempt to vigour the plant, she started giving it fertilisers.
Slowly the plant started to decay. Wrong kind of fertilizers, plant size ratio to the fertilizers or clash with the temperature?

Leading by example or doing as you are told?
A boy lives with his parents and grandmother.
In an attempt to show that fathers know best, they kept telling him what should be right.
When he came the an age where he could think for himself, he told his parents that he should stop listening to them, because he said he saw that they had never listened to his grandmother.

Anonymous said...

Family detained at Changi Airport for having toy water guns.

Unless we are growing them, how did the drugs enter into this country?

Anonymous said...

Why do the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, people's money was used to bail out big players, industries, aviation, and conglomerates. Now that they have made stinky profits, they have kept the money to themselves. Without our support, would they have been able to reach such a stage? Could it be that one of the reasons they needed their own people as president was so they could receive blank checks? Citi bank? declined the offer and they are still surviving. I feel very dissatisfied about paying the GST. 🀒

Anonymous said...


1.My father said there were two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better. Marlo Thomas

2.Talent is God-given; be humble. Fame is man-given; be thankful. Conceit is self-given; be careful. Harvey Mackay

3.A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew. Herb Caen

Anonymous said...

Napoleon Hill
“Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by “opinions” when you reach DECISIONS, you will not succeed in any undertaking.”

Anonymous said...

A lesson from our hand.

All fingers are not in same Length,

But when they bend,

All stands equally.

Life becomes easy, when

We bend and adjust all situations.

Have a amazing day.!

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