I visited Carrefour in Taipei. It offers mainly local products, unlike the Carrefour stores in Singapore and Dubai.
I learned something about the Carrefour logo. Caj you see the small red arrow pointing to the left and a larger stylish blue arrow pointing to the right. Did you wonder what the two arrows meant?
I discovered it on my visit to Carrefoure in Taipei.
I learned something about the Carrefour logo. Caj you see the small red arrow pointing to the left and a larger stylish blue arrow pointing to the right. Did you wonder what the two arrows meant?
I discovered it on my visit to Carrefoure in Taipei.
Answer: If you look at the white space between the red and blue arrows, you will see the letter C. This is creative!
"Carrefour" means junction in French. So I suppose the two arrows are directional signs? The blue-white-red is the colour of France, where Carrefour originated.
The Carrefour company is created in France in 1959.Carrefour logo with its blue, red & white colors has a very significant meaning behind it: it’s a continuous commitment to our customers.
The logo was created in 1966, coming from C of Carreour and an arrow on on both sides, representing customers coming form all directions and meeting at Carrefour. Carrefour in Chinese, with its meaning of “Every Happy family”, reflects the core values of Carrefour.
And in fact, if you were to look hard on the logo, you should see character "C".
That's correct. I saw the letter C for the first time. It is stylish and well designed. Very subtle.
Amazon and FedEx logo are the other 2 that are very creative. And do read the posted comments on that blog entry. Really interesting.
Carrefour logo on You Tube.
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