Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Singapore Airlines and refund fee

Singapore Airlines levy a refund fee that is excessive. Read this letter in TKL website or click here.


yujuan said...

Pardon me, Mr. Tan, SIA has all along show no priority favour for local customers in ticket sales, you think they would show favour with cancellation refunds?
By the way, when is SIA going to grow up and stop being babied by our Govt. It is time for them to leave the nursery and grow up to settle their business affairs, it would seem funny to foreigners that they even require MM Lee to come out to settle airline pilot disputes. Our MM is getting on age, high time to cut off the apron strings, and stand on their feet. Maybe our Labour Org is not capable enough.

Lye Khuen Way said...

Mr Tan, I assumed you had copied that unpublished letter ti SIA as well.
They should consider your plea to their higher ideals of Social responsibilities and being an icon for Singapore etc ....

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