Sunday, September 01, 2019

The govt should not micro manage but should regulate and set the framework

Most people like to say - the govt should not micro manage. I agree.

But the govt should regulate and set the framework. They cannot leave matters to the market. They should not neglect their responsibility and duty.

What is the difference between regulate and micro manage?

Here is the difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Micro managing people tend to want the world to be a certain way. They are incapable to see any other way outside their own. They become too intractable and impossible to bargain with and are unabashedly authoritarian. They are implemented in such a way that they are difficult to threaten or change.
Our current PM is not is not that way. He apologized profusely during one of the election rallies, when his late father, ( who was known not to bend words) about electing opposition parties.

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