Saturday, August 27, 2005

Singapore is too hot?

Singapore is a nice place to live. It is safe, clean and pleasant.

It has a major drawback. It is too hot.

Long ago, we can enjoy the breeze, which makes life more comfortable. But, the breeze has gone. It is blocked by the buildings. The air conditioning from the houses also blow hot air outside.

I am looking for a way to create breeze. If we can have more breeze, it will be more pleasant.

We are now able to create drinking water using science, and be economical. Maybe, we can use our technology to create breeze?


cole. said...

have you heard of this contraption called 'fan'? ;)

tadaxp said...

is there something like a tunnel effect? i used to live in an environment whereby there is this stretch of road flank by two parallel HDB flats, when you walk along this stretch of road, the breeze is in abundance and strong...

K.S. said...

Dear Mr Tan,

Interesting article.

But, erhem, why do you want to create breeze? If the air is warm/hot, the breeze is still warm/hot. I am sure you have had experienced the COOL/COLD breeze in Europe right? So, perhaps, you are looking to create the 'wrong' technology.

By the way, we (human) did not CREATE water. We merely mastered the technology to EXTRACT the water from the rest of the "pollutants".

Perhaps we should invent heat shield to block the sun IR ray? Let the light pass (the white-colour band) but block the IR-band?

But that bodes the question "Who are we to disturb Mother Nature?"

JD said...

Even if this is possible (this is a very big if; you are almost talking of a nationwide aircon system), I think it might be more economical for us to install aircon systems for every home/room/building in Singapore.

Tan Kin Lian said...

Dear Tinkertailor,

I think it is a good idea to create a big fan that can create a breeze that can play throughout the whole of Singapore.

Most people will laugh at this idea, but like inventions in the past, they also laugh when someone suggested that the world is round.

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