Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Switch and save on part of the 150%

Some people invested in a regular premium investment linked product from another insurer and have to incur up a distribution cost. Up to 150% of the annual premium may be taken away from their investment during the first few years.

A policyholder who has bought an expensive policy recently, and who was not told clearly about the high distribution cost, may find it better to switch to NTUC Income now.

They do not have to incur the distribution cost for the remaining period (usually up to three years) and can take a similar ILP policy from NTUC Income (Ideal 5) where 100% of the saving is invested from the first month.

There is a small catch. We impose $20 more in policy fee each year. You can see our adviser or visit our business center.

1 comment:

Priya J said...

I came across this link on investment linked policy, hope can provide more insights.

investment linked policy

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