Thursday, December 13, 2007

Visits to my blog

I received about 700 visits a day.

p/hr total
9 am to midnight: 109 327
midnight to 1 am: 29 29
1 am to 2 am: 16 16
2 am to 8 am: 8 48
8 am to 9 pm: 21 273
Total 693

Nearly half of the visits were from 9 pm to midnight.


Derek said...

Hi Mr Tan,

700 visits a day is a nice number and I'm sure it won't be long before it reaches 1000.

I also notice that most of my visitors come after 9pm,
I guess that's when they finish their stuff and have the time to surf the net.

Derek (

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Tan, I looked at your site meter and found that the visits have been more than 800 during the past few days. You will reach your target of 1,000 soon!

Tan Kin Lian said...

Although I get about 800 on weekdays, the number dropped to 500during weekends (Saturday and Sundays). So, the average for the week is around 700.

To reach 1,000, I need more people to visit my blog. Do help me to pass the word around.

Derek said...

No problem Mr. Tan. As I actively seek to improve the quality and readership of my blog, I'll also publicize yours as well.

Derek (

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