Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Access to subsidised wards

I have written a letter to the Straits Times to ask the Ministry of Health to clarify if citizens have the right of access to subsidised wards or if they are restricted by some rules that restrict downgrading to subsidised wards, and what are these rules. I hope that my letter gets published and that the Ministry will give a reply to clarify this matter.


Spur said...

MOH will probably reply to say that citizens and PRs may request to downgrade or upgrade ward class, subject to availability, financial means testing to determine level of subsidy, and other T&C that may be specific to individual restructured hospitals.

Below is the link to CGH info on this matter. Other restructured hospitals should be similar. For more info, just click on Admission and Hospital Charges in the left margin.

rabbit7075 said...

Hi Mr Tan

thanks for the effort to make changes!

sgp lack people who are willing to spend time to challenge existing policy.

we normally assume what the government implemented is the best....

but i believe the current sgp will start to be more vocal.

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